December 23, 2009

More Snow!!!

I LOVE snow!!!
It's like a special Winter Magic!
Lilli and Bailey

My Daddy






My Mommy


Katie and Jules!
Katie was full-on laying on Jules while they were sledding!
Talk about being comfortable!

December 8, 2009

Let's Play in the Snow

When the girls woke up, they were in awe of all the snow!
I told them they had to wait untill after breakfast.
Then Anna came over, and the fun began!
They couldn't make snow balls, but they could throw it!

By the end, Katie had gotten some snow down her coat,
and was stripping off her cloths out on the trampoline!

Why does snow taste so good?!

My cute little snow bunny!

Nothing says Winter like kids playing in the snow!

November 27, 2009

Lessons of Love

So, I don't usually post unless I have pictures to go with the post, but I'm going to tonight.

Let me start by saying, it has been a very hard couple of days. My kids have been screaming and fighting almost non stop, and I have been forced to go back on my full strength depression meds.
I just don't know what to do. Threats do not work, because, lets face it, I'm a push over.

So, tonight I made my girls sit down with me and have a talk time. At first, I did the talking. I explained to them how they were making me crazy. How I wish they could just get along and love each other. Then I let them talk. We talked and cried and laughed and hugged. We talked for about 30 minutes, not a substantial amount of time. But the amount of healing and loving that took place was very substantial.
Communication is were LOVE is. DUH!!! We learn to communicate with our husbands, and with our Heavenly Father, then why not with our children? How will they learn to talk to each other instead of screaming at each other if all we do is scream at them in frustration all the time.

We decided to add a 30 minute "Love Talk" to our bedtime routine. It will help our evenings to be less frantic and more calm and loving. I hope it will increase the love we feel for one another and help us all learn to communicate better. I learned a lot about LOVE tonight, and I am so thankful the Lord has given me insight to know how to teach my children how to love each other better.

November 20, 2009

Christmas Dresses

So the story goes like this...
Lilli found "the one" at Target on Wednesday
while we were shopping for new church shoes.
So, we HAD to get it, because Lilli is pretty particular about her dresses.
Maggie was sad that she didn't get one.
So on Friday I took just Maggie out shopping for her christmas dress.
1st Target, no dress for Maggie, but a beautiful dress for Katie.
2nd, Fred Meyer. No dress for Maggie, but a perfect dress for Emily.
We were going to go home, Maggie was pretty discouraged. I said lets go look at Burlington.
3rd, Burlington. Dress for Maggie!!!
Yeah! I love making my kids happy and beautiful.
Here they are, my 4 girls wearing 4 dresses from 4 different shopping adventures.

I'm glad that is over with!

November 18, 2009

Lilli's 1st Choir Concert

My sweet singer had her 1st concert on thursday the 12th!
It was awesome!
She was so professional. She only looked at the audience during applause times!
Else, her eyes were on her teacher!!!
I was so proud!
They did a great job! I especially loved the final number, "America"!
I felt moved.... patriotic to say the least!
Emily enjoyed the concert,
but she also enjoyed goofing around with her best friend, Collin!
They kept making funny faces for the camera, heres one of the many!

Maggie sat so quiet and watched so intently.

Later that night, Katie just wouldn't go to sleep, as usual!
She decided to go get nearly every clip we had and put them in our hair!
This is about 1/2 way through our hair-do!
I thought she was finishing up, and told Joe to take our picture before she went to bed.
But, BED......What's that?
I had about 10 more clips in my hair by the time she had tired!
We had fun, even though I was tired way before she was!

November 11, 2009

In Reply to Joe's Request!

I made the girls try on the winter garb the other night to see what fit and what needed replacing.
I am one of those who is afaid of finding out too late that we something, and the store being out!
So, they got their winter gear on, and went outside.
They jumped, in the cold, dark night for about an hour!
Katie loved the feel of her little gloves, and kept rubbing her fingers together.


We ARE prepared to FIGHT you!

Katie has red cheeks here, but not due to cold! She was sooo hot!
When we got inside, I took off her gloves, and her fingers were steaming!!!

Thanks, for the GUM shot!!
Again, red, warm cheeks!
What Fun!!!

Happy Veteran's Day!


As we sat around the breakfast table this morning, the kids asked me about Veteran's Day.
I explained a little bit to them. (Joe explained in way greater detail at dinner).
I said, very proudly, "You know, Grandpa B was in a war!"
"HE WAS?!!! Which one?" they replied.
"The Korean War." I said. "He was a dog handler."

They were so excited, and even more so when I explained to them that Grandpa's dogs saved his life, more than once!

At school they both got to brag to their classes that THEIR Grandpa was in a war!
They were both so proud and told me about their experiences in class the second they got home!

I AM PROUD as well!!!

Thank you DADDY, for serving our country, and standing for the right, not only in war times, but for my whole life!


Lilli made this card for her Grandpa in class today!

We all Love You Very Much!

November 9, 2009

Fall is in My Tree, and Other Goofy Stuff!

Every year my tree looses it's leafs before they can change color.
Somehow, this year has been different.
There isn't a ton of beautiful colors on my tree, but there is a different color.
A light green, almost yellow!!!!
Fall is actually happening to our tree!

Katie and Emily wanted to go swimming so bad the other morning.
So, I put their goggles on and put them in the bath!
They LOVED it!
A thumbs -up from Kate!

Bath- time fun is my favorite!
In know soon there will be no more pictures of bath time!
I have to get them whilest I can!

Katie sat on her ball the other night and proceeded to beg me to take her picture! I took about 20 shots of her soing some silly poses! I love how she is growing up!
What an amazing and fun time in life we are having!!!

November 4, 2009

New Family Pictures

My little sister, Lindsay took these for us!
She did a wonderful job!
Thanks for putting up with us, Linds!

November 2, 2009


So, it came, and it went.

And we will always remember.....

Mommy dressed as a dead Prom Queen, in my actual Senior Prom dress!!

This is what Maggie said,
"Mom, you look so pretty. Except it looks like you've been fighting with us all day!"
Lilli, the Warrior.

Maggie, the Mummy.

Emily, the Princess. Of, course!

The Awesome Amount of Candy!


Poor Katie, she fell asleep 1/2 hour before it was time to go!

Sister will share, YEAH!!!!

Maybe next year we will finally get Katie in a costume!

Our Awesome glowing Jack-O-Lanterns.

We DID have a good Halloween, and hope you all did too!