April 29, 2008

Soccer Update

Sorry, I didn't bring my camera to the games last Saturday, so you will just have to read about it. But, I have to say, if you've seen one soccer pic, you've seen them all, with few exceptions.
Maggie had another great game. It was actually entertaining and fun to watch this one. Her team won, 9-7! She didn't play as hard as she usually does though. I think the sun was too sunny! I brought the sun screen this time.....NO SUN BURNS!
Lilli played keeper again. Type casting if you ask me.....I am starting to get mad. Just because she's good at it doesn't mean that she's not good at other things!! She needs to playing all areas of the feild, so she can learn to be a better player. I think that the coach is a nimrod!!! He's a great guy, but not a great coach. She did not win, but winning isn't everything, and I don't want her to think that it is. She is after all only 7! She had a fun time, and did exceptionally well as keeper against a very agressive team. I am very proud of her.

Other updates in the fam..... Maggie got asked to audition for Company Team in dance. She is very excited. She wants to try, but I warned her that if I can see it being too hard on her or if it starts wearing her out, I will pull her.
Lilli got her appliance on her bottom teeth yesterday, along with head-gear. She is in a tremendous amount of pain. I can't tell if it is normal. Her tongue is swollen from having her mouth open all night, and may be getting calises from the wire on her bottom teeth. She is crying a lot because of pain. It breaks my heart to know she is in pain! I keep reassuring her that it will get easier, and that the outcome will be beautiful. That sound a lot like life, doesn't it?! Right now though, I don't think she cares. She wants to call the whole thing off. But Lilli knows, Winners never Quit! We will survive.

A friend recently asked me how I did it, how do I hold it all together with 4 rambonxious girls?
I laughed, then I answered, "One precious day at a time." They grow up too quickly. One day the "Mommy will you help me open the juice?" and the " Can I sit on your lap?"s will be over! I'm not ready for that. I cherish every moment, most of the time anyway!

April 22, 2008

More Soccer Fun

Update.... The girls played great this last Saturday! I had a very busy day! Maggie's game was at 12 noon. I took her all by myself. Katie was napping, Lilli didn't want to get out of her jammies or stop watching Saturday morning cartoons. She is alot like me in that way. As a child I would watch as long as I could, usually until they were over. Ans Emily was content. It was really cold out, around 40. When we left to go to the feilds, Maggie pointed out that it was snowing. I told her it was just the blossoms falling from the trees, but the one "blossom" hit the windsheild, and melted! Blossoms don't melt, do they?

So it was snowing a bit, but that didn't bug Maggie too much. Her team creamed the other team 24-3. Her coach actually said that he is sort of bummed that we are so good. It makes the games a little boring. We actually stop cheering, and just clap a liitle when they get too far ahead. Hopefully we have a comparble team to play sometime during this season.

Here are some cute pics from her game.

The coach loves the high 5's after someone scores, this was after Maggie did a terrific assist.Helping Annabelle score a goal! After the game, of course.

Lilli had a great game as well, though this one wasn't the best for me. Joe got the flu in between the 2 games, so he was home sleeping it off. Consiquently, I had all the girls, in the cold by myself! Lilli was put in as keeper right away, she is really great at it! Really agressive. It is truelly amazing to me to watch her grow and progess. She is really doing well. She is by for the best goally on her team, and I'm not just bragging!!

They lost the game, I can't remember accuately, but I didn't watch the whole thing. Katie fell asleep in my arms, Emily was on the play ground, and Maggie was in the sand box, I had to keep my eyes all over the place. It wasn't pretty though. I think they were definetly down by 4. Lilli played great though.

That's all for this weeks update. So long for now from the land of soccer princesses.

April 17, 2008

Lilli's Poem About Herself

Lilli came home yesterday and proudly displayed her work to me. It was so cute! I thought all would like to read it.

Look in books
I do not like bees
Little sister, a pain
Little books are great to read
I do not like kackup and mustard

That is exactly how she spelled ketsup!! Cute!!

April 16, 2008

The Roar Heard 'Round the Basement

Katie has learned how to growl! She does it all the time, except for when she clicking her tongue or jabbering like a monkey. Quote from Joe, "Sorry, I don't speak 'Monkey'!" Hope you enjoy this ever so brief glimps into Katie's world!

April 12, 2008

Soccer and Sun

We have officially entered soccer season. This year we are busier than usual. Both Lilli and Maggie are doing soccer this year! The first week of practice was killer!! I was driving some body to practice and sitting around waiting for a hour nearly every day of the week. Maggie had dance on Mon, then straight to practice. Lilli was Tues, Maggie again on Wed, then Lilli again on Thurs. WOW!! What did I get myself into!!! No time for me or dinner!! We were eating fast food nearly every night, and eating in the car. 2 things I hate to do alot of. Luckily, things got a little easier this week. Maggie's practices have gone to Tues. and Thurs. nights, and Lilli has it on Thurs. only. This makes thursday night extra crazy, but I can manage 1 crazy night.Here is one of Lilli's practices. She has a team that is all girls, mostly from her school. They are a close team.

They had their 1st games last week, they both won their games, which is always fun. Lilli was put in as keeper right off the bat. She loves defence. She did great!
Maggie had a blast too, she scored 2 goals, and proved that the 2nd sibling is usually more agressive. We don't call her "a bull in a china shop" for nothing. She was very aggressive. It was very fun to watch her. Lilli kept coaching her from the side lines. Yelling things like, "Man Up" and "Protect your Goal". We had to explain to Lilli that Maggie doesn't know those "big kid" terms yet. She know things like, "Get the ball" and "Kick the ball".
As you can see, she loved playing! Will she choose dance or soccer next year? We can't say, but she WILL choose 1!!

That 1st game was COLD!!! Well, the 2nd game was HOT!!! 72 out! And I was absent minded, as I am alot of the time, and I forgot the sun screen. As a result, we all got burned, even my poor baby.
She does look cute with red cheeks though!

Even this baby of mine got burned...I think he looks pretty cute with red cheeks too!!

The girls both won their games again today. So, it makes the sun burns a little more bearable. One parent of the opposing team from Maggie's game kept saying "They have tricks up their sleeves" and "Are those kids all 5?" . Maggie scored 5 goals, that I counted, she says she scored 7, either way she was a valuable player to their game. They creamed the other guys, winning 20-2!!

Lilli's team played their hardest opponents today. A team that has been together for 3 years under the same coach. They are supposed to be the hardest team in U8. They won 4-3, with a goal in the finally minute! It was a very intense game!! I had a hard time paying attention to Emi on the play ground. Lilli played a mean defender, her favorite position. A bunch of the parents came up to us after the game to tell us what a good job she did, using adjectives like "amazing" and "agressive". I know, I know, she gets it from me!! It was FUN!!

Well, rain or shine, we will be out on the feilds all day next week. Maggie has a morning game, we have a 2 hour break, then Lilli. I love soccer, I love watching my children have fun, but I am already anxious for soccer season to be over! It is hard work, for us ALL!!!