February 21, 2008

The Jumping Off Point

As many of you know, photography has long been my passion. Some have said that I have an eye for the art. Not one of my pictures turn out BAD. Well, a few weeks back ,my sis-in-law asked me to take pictures of her stake girls volleyball teams. I had a blast. I never saw the proofs, because I let my sis-in-law develop them to save herself money. She said they turned out great. Well, one of the mom's that saw the volleyball pictures of her daughter wanted me to take her daughters class pictures. I accepted, though I was totally nervous. This was my first paid photography job. It went great, the shots turned out great. I am now up and ready to be a photographer part time. This is my new camera... a Nikon D40. It is digital, and totally awesome!! I also got Adobe Photoshop, so I can be creative with pictures too.
Any one need a photographer? I am so excited!! Initially I wasn't going to start doing this untill Kate was in school. But, when opportunity knocks, you better answer the door!

February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

I got a great Valentine from Katie!! She rolled over after a diaper change, and started to crawl. At first I didn't reall think much of it, because she has sort-of crawled before. You know the kind of crawl where they move a bit and don't do it again. But this time was different, she kept going... slow and stead, she made it across the room. Here is a little video for you all to share in her first crawl.

Maggie also learned how to do something today. She was out riding her scooter, and all of a sudden she burst into the house with I huge smile on her face, and said "Guess What?" She then proceeded to show me what before I could even answer.....she blew a bubble with her gum. She has been practicing for about 6 months. She is very proud of herself, and i made a really big to do about it. It means a lot to Maggie when she learns she can do new things! She is growing up too fast.

February 10, 2008

Learning to Crawl

Katie wants to crawl, and she just about has it. Sometimes she can get pretty upset when she can't seem to get all her parts to go the same way. Emily trys to help her by showing her what to do. But that usually just makes Katie laugh. She loves her big sis.

Another fun thing we did last week, we went to an Engineering event at BSU with our Uncle Lincoln. We had a great time. We did a BLOCKFEST. We went and played with all sorts of different types of blocks as a family. It was great to sit down with the girls and play, something we all should do more of with our children. What a fun memory, and something that we will most definetly do againnext year! Thank you Uncle Lincoln for the invite.
Here we are playing with one of our favorite types of blocks. They were sort of like Lincoln Logs, except no notches to hold them together. It took a lot of brain power to keep them together. it was fun. Plus, the breaking down part was fun. They made a fun clinking sound.
Here is are other favorite....Chimney blocks. The girls worked together to build a tall wall, which they broke though, and a well, which they put their baby sister inside. They also loved to break these ones down, mainly because they were so big! What fun

February 6, 2008

Smiling Through the Pain

Yes, it's true.....PAIN!!! Lacey took a tumble down the stairs last Sunday, with Katie in her arms.
Katie was fine, but as a result of not being able to catch herself -a cracked vertebrae!! OUCH!
She is trying to take it easy. The usual 'clean-freak' has to relax. It is hard for her, but DOCTORS ORDERS. A few more weeks (hopefully) and she will be back to her usual neurotic self.
And yes, Lacey cut and colored her hair, again. But don't worry, she will probably be back to blond soon. Around tax returns is the hypothesis-----money money money.