January 9, 2012

Lilli's Piano Recital

Lilli and Brooke after the Recital and award ceremony.

With their teacher, Wendy Winston

Emily and Dani watching their big sisters get their awards.
I just had to take a picture...I love how they were both in pony tails!

Playing one of her pieces, "Oh Little Town of Bethlehem".
We are so proud of her accomplishments in piano, and we love her teacher so much! 

We found out yesterday at church that Wendy is very ill! 
She has been having bad nose bleeds lately, and the other day she finally went into the ER. 
They do not have insurance, so it take a lot to get her to the hospital.
She had to have 4 pints of blood put back into her.
Some Dr.'s are worried it might be leukemia, some are not worried at all.
We love her so much, and we pray for her quick recovery.

1 comment:

casa chandler said...

Great job! So sad to hear about Wendy. Keep me updated on her. We'll keep her in our prayers.