So, we went to Utah for my big brothers wedding, but while we were there we decided to have a mini, cram as much as we can into one day, vacation.
We left on Thursday night so we would have all day Friday to play, I mean DAY, we had to be at my sisters house by 6:30 that night for a meet and greet dinner. So we CRAMMED as much as the kids could handle!
1st, we went to Thanksgiving Point and did the Museum of Anicient History! Fun, Fun, Fun!! But very Expencive. The kids loved this, plus, they weren't tired yet, so everyone stayed happy the whole time! Yeah!!
Emily hididng behind the dinosaur leg. PEEK-A-BOO!
Emily hididng behind the dinosaur leg. PEEK-A-BOO!
Aren't they just soooo cool!
Happy Katie, cause she can walk around freely and touch almost eveything!
Aaahhhh! The Raptor is going to eat us for lunch!!
While the kid were busy uncovering dino bones in a giant sandbox, Joe and I had a restful cuddle time! Picture opp? You betcha!! Don't we look so cute and in love?
Next stop, Utah's very own, Hogle Zoo!!
Almost, but not quite an ape!!
Last stop before heading to the house..... This is the Place Monument!
How could we NOT stop....It's right across the treet from the zoo!
What a great learning experience for my kids. We did family home evening about it, to re-inforce what we talk about while we were there. The kids were pretty revernt there, and definetly happy. I think they could feel the spirit, testifing to them of the truths which we were teaching! I love looking at things with eyes of my children. Such AWE!
Saturday, Mt. Timpanogus Temple
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