I feel now is the time to go private! I got an anonymous comment, not telling me who they are. If you are the anonymous commenter, fess-up, or forever be banned from my blog!
I am going private on Monday! So, if you are a follower, and you don't believe I already have your e-mail address, please leave it in my comments! Thanks.
January 28, 2010
I Just got home from a long Doctor Visit for Kate.
I went in because she kept getting stomach flu and not so fun bathrooming.
She would be sick for 3 days, better for five, sick again, better again......
So, I was really worried!!

He gave Katie flees when she was 6 months old.
He gave Katie ring-worm when she was 18 months old,
and now this!!!
What do I do?
Has he had his 3 strikes.....should we put him down?
What are my options.
I am not one to think that my cat is one of my kids, but he is special to us.
There will be heart-ache!
Man, I have a lot to think about!
January 27, 2010
Who's Who Answered
This is Lilli and Maggie
the year...Christmas 2004.
Lilli was 4 1/2.
Maggie was 2 1/2.
Crazy that they look so much like Emily and Katie.
I thought it would be fun to show you all that I must have a carbon copy button around here!
January 23, 2010
Who's Who
Can you tell which two children of mine are in this picture?
Pretty scarey that they all look so much alike, eh?
January 21, 2010
My Dad turned 77
If I choose to look back on my shorty thirty year life,
and see all the good, not the bad...
I see one man, a teacher to me.
He is the man I call DAD.
He may not have always been so tender,
but he was always honest and fair.
He scolded me when I was naughty or mean,
and he taught me to listen and care.
Because of him, I love the outdoors,
I love to run and to sing.
He taught me marriage is love and respect,
not just a gold diamond ring.
Because of him, I can drive a stick shift,
change my own oil, and fix a flat tire.
He taught me to be independent and strong,
like my mother, whom he did admire.
So, here's to you Dad....You did a great job.
You raised this daughter to be...
A strong, righteous women, who's proud to have YOU
for all of ETERNITY.
For my dad,
Robert Bollschweiler
on his 77th birthday
January 20, 2010
Joe's new blog
Angry Old Man
Come and visit Joe's new blog.
It is very whitty and clever! What else would we expect from our Joe?
January 18, 2010
Because I Knew You
For those of you who get this post via e-mail, you have to actually visit my blog to see it. Sorry.....
I just felt like telling all my friends out there, I love you....
If you don't see your picture in here, it is probably because I don't have one of you... but you are all always in my heart.
January 13, 2010
Temple Visit
Let me apologize in advance about these pictures.
They were taken using my cell phone.
So, Joe and I made a New Years GOAL to go to the temple once a month.
We went last Friday, and it was a beautiful session.
It had been a worry for us for several weeks, and we had it on our expenses list to get a new battery on the following Monday. The battery had plans of it's own!
Lucky for us, we had our cell phone! Joe called is SUPER Dad, and he came and saved us, new battery and all.

A Huge task!
To make matters worse, while we were stranded at the temple, the cell phone rang.
It was The kids' school! GREAT!!! WHAT NOW!
Maggie had spilled milk all over her pants at lunch!
She needed someone to bring her clean pants!
"Super Grandma" to the rescue!
Luckily, Maggie had a pair of pants at Janet's house! So, Janet packed up the little girls, and drove over to the school!
What would we do without a loving, supportive family!
January 8, 2010
"Great to be 8"
As our wards, "free" photographer with talent, I have been asked to take some pictures for a "Great To Be 8" program for all the kids who are turning 8 this year.
My Maggie is one of those!
So here is the preview of what pictures will be on her plaque.
I can't believe she is going to be 8!
January 7, 2010
As for ME!!!
I am starting a new blog.
I want to blog about things that are important to me, but may not be important to all of you.
This will be a blog with mostly words, few pictures.
If you are interested in following me, click on the picture of me to the right.
It will send you staight over.
For those of you who don't follow my blog, but get my posts e-mailed to them, you can follow my new blog by going to it's address.
Book mark it, and visit often!
Love you ALL!!!
Happy NEW Year!
Heavenly Thoughts
I finally got the living room put back together!
"Wow, Mom! You re-erwanged!"
She looked in silence for a moment. Then whispered,
"This is just exactly what I dreamed! It looks like Heaven!"
Then, with arms hugging one of the throw pillows, she looked at me and said,
"My heart feels really happy Mommy!"
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