The Cute
My Mom made my girls each a new set of pj's.
When the little one's saw theirs, they had to try them on.
They wanted to wear them all day, but after about 30 minutes of persuasion, I finally convinced them to change. Thanks for the cute jammies Grandma B!
Emily started ballet last Tuesday.
She loves it!
She gets so excited on Monday night when she sees me take out her leotard!
"Is my dance class tomorrow?!" she asks me with fevered anticipation!! "It sure is!" I reply.
She then starts jumping around her room squealing,
and telling everyone that she has dance tomorrow!
It is truly the cutest thing ever!
The Sad
Joe's Grandma Green past away on last Wednesday, due to complications from surgery.
She was 81.
I cried more than Joe at her funeral on Monday.
Joe kept asking why I was crying, she wasn't my Grandma,
(He wasn't being rude, I know it sound that way.
He was teasing me for turning on the water works)
The spirit was very strong, and so.... I cried.
Great funeral service!
But, of course, it is always sad at any funeral.
Death makes you think about what is most important in this life! FAMILY!
The Silly
Katie is swimming in the bath all the time. I have to watch her, because she just lays down.
No matter how deep, she just goes for it. She is so not afraid of water.
her new favorite thing is to sit and stick her feet out of the tub.
She says over and over,
"Mom, watch me!" and "Take a picture!"
So, I finally gave in and took a picture!
Happy now, Kate?
Your nakey body on the family blog, for all our friends to see!
So silly!!!

The End