So, we ended the Summer Break with a fun family outing to the hills. We went to Silver Creek Plunge. We didn't actually make it to the swimming pool, it was way too spendy, but the creek was enough fun, the girls didn't mind too much.

Sitting in a calm part of the creek.... they quickly got up from this photo....COLD !!

Katie loved eating all the mountain foods..... rocks, dirt, sticks. YUM!

Lilli put river silt all over her legs, she thought it was so cool, until she dicovered worms in the mud, and ALL OVER HER!! Schreiking "Worms, Worms, Worms!" I love that she is such a spaz about insects! It really makes me laugh! I know, I'm sick....laughing at my kids pain! But it is truelly funny how freaked out she gets.
Cute Bug, sitting in a big girl chair!

Too much watching the olympic gynastics....the girls kept jumping off the Suburban...Luckily they stopped before any injury! Phew!

Happy girl, eating dirt.....What a cute, dirty face!

What did you eat, Katie? "Ummm?"

Pretty fire! Funny thing, when it finally died, the moon was soooo bright that we didn't even need our flashlights to make it to our tents. CRAZY!!
As for sleeping, Katie woke up a lot during the night. I had to hold her, because we had neighbors, and I didn't want them to have to listen to a baby cry all night. We estimate that Joe and I got about 3 hours of sleep, plus.... it was sooooo cold, we are definetly buying new bags before next year.

Breakfast was fast, it was still freezing. the kids warmed up by playing with sticks, sword fighting eachother, Joe even joined in. It was great fun....We packed up shortly after the fun. Our neighbor asked "Leaving all ready?" YES!!! I need some sleep! Maybe next year we will finally be 2 nighters! Come on and learn to sleep, Katie! Geez!

As we were packing Big Red up, a cute little bird was following us around. I don't know if it was looking for a scrap of food left, or just friendly, either way, it was a fun way to end the trip.....Bye, Bye, Birdy!
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