We went to Twin Falls on Saturday. We decided to make a day of it. We left at 3, and got there at around 5. We went straight to the temple open house. It was so beautiful!

As we pulled up to the temple, Joe said, "What, no Anti's out?" Well.... There was, 2 of them, holding a sign that said "Mormonism is not Christian". We all laughed, and of course, I HAD to get a picture of them. All I got was of their backs. But it was still fun!

I felt the spirit so strong while we were in the Temple, which, honestly took me by complete surprise. I thought, since it was not yet dedicated, the spirit wouldn't be there, WRONG!! The Celestial Room and again in the Sealing Room, the spirit testified to me that I belong to the only true church on this earth, and that I have a Family FOREVER! In the Sealing Room, it was the 1st time I had my whole family in that room together. Joe and I took our children in our arms and showed them the mirrors. They saw for themselves that their reflection went on and on and on, just like our family. It was a very touching moment. I suggest to all to go to the open house if you can, bring your families. It is such a reward.

After the Temple we went to Dierkes Lake for swimming. It was too cold to really go swimming, but we still had fun, we stayed until dark, and Lilli and Maggie got to do some rock climbing, there are some great boulders there.
After the lake, we went to Shoshone Falls.....WOW!!! The beauty of the falls almost hurt my eyes. Even Maggie noticed that it looked like a painting. It didn't seem real it was soooo beautiful. It just goes to show, the human eye can take in so much more than any camera. The full extent of the Lord's Majestic art can only be seen with the heart. I don't know if that makes sense, but that is how it feels to me. You have to experience the beauty 1st hand to truelly apreciate it. I consequently did not take pictures, they just wouldn't be as pretty as what I remembered. My sister-in-law did though, so I will probably use her's on my computer as my screen. She takes beautiful scenic shots.
On a different note,
Maggie went to bed last night with a VERY wiggley front tooth! I warned her that I thought she might loose it in the middle of the night, and might swallow it on accident. I was trying to scare her into letting me pull it, because she has been whinning about it for days now. Well, it didn't work, and she went to bed. This morning, she woke up and......NO TOOTH! I didn't think it would REALLY fall out, but it did!! Luckily, it was just in her bad, not in her tummy, thank goodness, becasue my kids are HUGE fans of the Tooth Fairy, or T.F., as they call her. Here is a picture of a happy, sleepy Maggie. Taken 1st thing after we found her tooth in her bed.
Hooray for "Windows", especially the big ones that you can stick your tongue through!