1st, we had the pleasure of having a visit with my sister Leisha, her husband Brian and their 5 kids on the weekend of the 31st of May. We spent Saturday with them at the park, playing and visiting. I had the pleasure of taking their family pictures on Sunday, for more on that visit my Lacey's Lens website. On Monday we went to the zoo. We had a blast with them and wish they lived closer so we could see them more. We love you guys!

Playing with cousin Kali, what a great baby-sitter and ballet friend!

2nd, Maggie's Graduation from Kindergarten! Yep. they actually had a ceremony, complete with diplomas and eveything! They sang a song called "Start Spreading the News". It was a copy of the Frank Sinatra song, "New York".
~Start spreading the news. I'm leaving today. I'm going to make the most of it, 1st grade, 1st grade!~
Getting her diploma!
Thank you for a great year Mrs. Badger!
Next, Emily's 3rd birthday! She was pretty grumpy all day long due to staying up a little too late the night before, and waking early. She didn't want me to take her pictures to much, very un-characteristic of her. Anyway, we did a really low-key day. She wanted to go to McDonalds for dinner, because she wanted to play on the toys, but once we got there, she didn't want to play on the toys. What a waist of money! Sounds like a 3 year old, doesn't it?! Here's some pictures.
Her favorite gift was this one from Daddy. The Mystery Machine for her Scooby Doo figurines. Thanks Daddy.
Yummy Cake time!!!
Last but not at least, Lilli's baptism!! What a very very special day for our 8 year old. Lilli was baptized on June 7th. Joe baptized her. It was a very nice program. Her two good friends Brooke and Sydnee were baptized with her. It was nice. My Mom gave the talk on the Holy Ghost. Thanks Mom, I really appreciate all you do!
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