March 28, 2008

not up. After an all out dismount, the fun continued, with Brad's agreement of course, no coursion on the girls part, no way, not my girls!

Brad, you retain the "Coolest Uncle" trophy in this family. Thanks for the fun.
March 16, 2008
March 13, 2008
Kissy Kissy
I am Obsessed with These Two
Never a Dull Moment
This video is of one such crazy time.... my girls LOVE to DANCE !!! I bet you will see why.....
Some of you may be wondering where Emily is during all of this. Well, she was downstairs watching Scooby-Doo. When she is watching Scooby-Doo she hates to be disturbed. In fact we were making so much noise dancing that she came upstairs and yelled at us to stop dancing!
Also, Katie has discovered she is a born singer just like the rest of her sisters. Here she is in her crib singing to her music.
We love are amazing girls, and know that God gave us some of His FINEST! We thank Him everyday for such beautiful blessings.
March 6, 2008
Memiors of Hair-Dye Mishaps
I loved my A-line cut, but....the color was just a little bit dark. I felt a bit goth. Not exactly a spirit booster. So, shame on me, I went to the store a purchased a box dye, to lift the color.It was a highlighting box, because I knew that you can't lift a color with a color. As a result, my hair turned red.
I actually liked this color. It was pretty flattering on me. Despite negative comments made by some members of my family(brothers) about it not looking like "me", I was satisfied with it....until, my hair started to grow out, and I discovered gray!!! A lot of it, and it was noticable. Well, I started obsessing.....and I dyed it yet again.
I have no picture of what happened then, because not much happened, my hair got slightly more brown, but my gray stayed!!! I was mad. I wasted $8! Darn it! Well, about 1 week later, I was obsessing about the gray again, and I was at the store alone. I just couldn't resist....I bought another frost/highlight, and did it. Bad idea!!!
YUCK!!! I felt like "Bo-Bo the Clown". I cried the whole time I was blowing my hair dry, and decided then and there, that this "not coloring my hair" thing was not going to happen. I need to color my hair! Not only do I feel better spiritualy when my hair looks good, I feel prettier and act better to my family. Also, I don't feel old enough to let my hair go gray(obviously). So, I am back to going and wasting hard earned money at the stylist and getting my hair colored. She was mad when she saw what I had done to her beautiful work of art, but she fixed me.
I am back to the pretty red/brown color.....but next week I am going in to get highlights, probably. If I don't get the highlights, I will definetly have to go get it colored every 6 weeks. With the highlights, I can go a bit longer, because my gray grow-out looks like blonde highlight. I can get my hair done every 10 weeks with the highlights. I haven't decided yet, but I have one week to think and make the best choice for me.
If you can learn anything from me, don't color your own hair, take your precious hair to the pros. I learned my lesson the hard way, never-the-less, I LEARNED MY LESSON!!
My Most Recent Work
March 3, 2008
Cousin Ahton's B-Day Party

Here is the Birthday boy.... ready to open his plethera of gifts.

This is Michael, Nathan and Danyl. Their mom shaved their heads that morning because the baby got gum in his hair and needed his shaved, the bigger boys saw it and thought it looked cool and wanted it too. Silly boys!
This one was from his Daddy, spoiled!!!!! Lilli and Maggie were particularly jealous of this gift!
Grandma and Emily watching the un-veiling of the many, many gifts. Did I mention SPOILED!!
Katie loved chewing on Joe's caribiner, and didn't care too much about all the hoopla.
The Proud Daddy showing off all the great pictures of the event to an equally proud Mommy.
Cake Time! Yum, Yum, Yum!!!! Emily had 3 forks on her plate by the time she was done with hers, and her hands were still covered in chocolate, go figure!
Time to relax and let mom shoot some pictures! Say cheese, or should I say "Pose"!
Man, what a party..... time to go home, or maybe I will just let my hair down here, while watching Scooby-Doo. Who would've guessed? It was a great Party! Happy Birthday, Ashton!