So, it took her a little while, but Lilli is finally LOVING soccer this year!
The first few practices were a nightmare. It was cold, and Lilli didn't like getting her fingers stepped on by her team mates! Being the only Goalie was definitely wearing on her nerves.
So, I did the only thing I could.... Threatened Her!
If she didn't quit the whiny crap, she would be done!
She quickly stopped complaining, and is loving every minute now!
Here she is practicing before a game.
She is a GREAT Keeper.... Didn't let anything get past her!

Katie blowing her nose... What?! She's cute!

studying her team mates
positions so she can kick it to the exact right place!

And she booted it out of there!

PINK LIGHTNING'S Strike Again! 1-0 US!!
I am a very proud 'Soccer-Mom'!