Maggie's Petite Company got invited to be guest performers at a dance competition. It was exciting but scary for her. It was the 1st time she has ever seen her audience. Usually they perform in an auditorium under a ton of lights, and the audience is all blacked out. This time, they performed in a high school gym, with the bleachers packed to the max. No problem for Maggie. She did great.... she gets better and better everytime!

That night Maggie got invited to a dance party of sorts at her friends house. I guess she danced too hard, because she ended up crashing into a wall.... and consequently the next day awoke witha big fat eye, which turned purple by the days end. Poor girl. At least she was doing something she loved. Doesn't she look like a little LION?!

Now, in other news... Katie is getting herself into trouble every day, she thinks she is much older than 20 months. What can I say... they ALL think they are older than they actually are!

Here she is caught in the act of feeding the cat.

With the chore done, she handed me the bag... "ALL DONE!"
Yeah, at least she is good at helping to clean!

So, she is pretty much obsessed with the cat. Here she is crawling around chasing him, all the while saying over and over, "Meow, meow..."

The cutest frosting face ever....

I think she ate more frosting than the rest of the girls combined!

And lastly, this cute little video of Katie.... This happens EVERY night. It is a part of her routine, and I love every minue of it. I am possitive she is trying to sing, "I am a Child of God". Listen very carefully, you will her say "child of God" over and over again.
Love to ALL!