So, all of you who are from where I'm from know about the totally CRAZY weather yesterday. And many of you know of the Women's Fitness Walk that was scheduled for Saturday morning as well.
We, my 4 girls, my sister-in-law with her daughter, my mother-in-law, a hand-ful of others and myself were supposed to go do this 5k walk, run and stroll. Obviously we were in the "stroll" devision due to the babies. When we got down-town, it was POURING!!!! By the time I had the bike trailer set up for the walk I was drentched everywhere that my poncho wasn't covering, and the trailer immediatly started to leak. I was thinking, "This is so stupid!" I was about to risk mine and my childrens health for a walk! WHY!!!
I voiced my opinion to find out that it was the opinion of every one else that was there! I don't feel like a failure in any way, I feel like a winner! I didn't give-up I was simply protecting my children's health!
Next Year, Mother Nature will hopefully cooperate with me.
Props to my little sis though, the crazy girl RAN the 5k in the pouring rain!! She is AMAZING!
She is admired by this gal, that's for dang sure!!!
Here are a few pictures of the fun we were having before we packed it up to go home.

Here is Janet with Maggie and Lilli!

Emi peeking through the bike trailers wet window.

Here's most of the wet and cold clan.
We went out to breakfast at McDonalds in stead of doing the walk. I know, it sounds a bit ironic to be going to fast food intead of doing something active, but that's me, I guess. I like food, dislike exercise, and HATE being cold!
On another note, I am turning off our high speed internet tomorrow. It has become too much a distraction for my family and the money could and should be spent somewhere else! I will still be blogging, from time to time, just not every week. I will just have to go mooch the internet off family. I hope you all don't mind, family! XOXO!