The artist at work!
May 27, 2008
Lilli's Busy Day
The artist at work!
May 23, 2008
May 19, 2008
The Last Horrah
First thing was Maggie's dance recital on Friday the 16th. She did great and really shined!! The video is from rehersal. As you can see, she is pretty gosh darn good. There is really only one other girl in her class that can keep up with her, her good friend Madaline. They both did fantastic. Joe and I agreed that she is just too good to be in a regular class next year, she stands out too much. We are going to get her on company, but only 1 class, not 2. She is thinking Tap.
Here are some cute pictures of Maggie in her full costume, and her friend Madaline.
I think you can see, she had alot of fun! Beeming
with pride!
Next came my brother Lincoln's graduation from college. It was a long ceremony, but worth it to give him a hug afterward. We are so proud of him!! He graduated Cume Ladde!
Finally, we had the girls' soccer tornement on Saturday. Joe took them to their 1st games in the morning, I showed up half way through Maggie's 2nd game in the afternoon. I had the graduation all morning. It was HOT!! It hit 90 by mid day, and got up to 92 if not higher.
We had a bit of shade, so the only one who got burned was Joe. He didn't put sun screen on, because he is too manly for that sort of thing. Here are the pics of their final game! I sure am glad it's over! It was a blast watching the girls grow and progress!
Lilli's team had two blow-outs!! Their 1st games they did not get scored on! During her 1st game she got kicked in the hand while playing keeper. It resulted in a bruised middle finger.
Her coach put her back in as keeper during her 2nd game, which is great. If you fall off the horse, you get back on!! She played amazing, catching even the close calls. Her finger still hurts, but what a great memory she will have about how hard she played! We are so proud of her and her growth this season!
May 13, 2008
Maggie's Big Day