January 29, 2008

Cough Cough

Katie and Emily both have RSV right now. As a result, Katie has been coughing a lot. Along with the real coughing, she has learned to fake it. It is really cute, I think. She will do it for a long time.

Lilli and Maggie took a memorable trip to St. Anthony the second week of January. They went with their G-ma and G-pa. They stayed with our good friends, JO and Sarah-B

They had the opportunity to go see the open house of the Rexburg Temple. I can remember a little bit about going through the Boise Temple open house when I was 5 or so. I hope Maggie will be able to remember a little about this.

Isn't beautiful with all the snow?! This picture was taken from the car, because the girls were too cold to go back out and stand by it.

All dresses up for the House of the Lord

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